The Science Of Selling Underwear
We surveyed over 250 repeat buyers. Here's what we found out:
First, we needed to find out what buyers were looking for when purchasing used underwear. Buyers selected the one attribute they found most important.
Then, we took a deeper look into each attribute to gather more details.

The Essence of Used Underwear
These results came as no surprise. Buyers overwhelmingly prefer underwear with a natural, human scent. A very small percentage of buyers enjoyed a hint of perfume; however, most buyers had strong negative opinions about unnatural fragrances, specifically:
- Detergent/Fabric softeners
- Cologne /Perfume/ Pheromone Spray
Selling Tip: Keep it natural, avoid fragrances.

Looks Can Be Deceiving
We're not talking about the style of underwear. Sometimes there is evidence that the underwear has been worn, and sometimes there isn't. Our buyers understand that good things don't always look the same. Buyers also think there can be too much of a good thing.
Selling Tip: Looks are important, but they aren't everything. Focus on scent.

Elusive & Momentary Sweet Nectar
Some buyers appreciate a touch of dampness, moisture, or creaminess that makes making each piece a momentary treasure. However, many buyers also prefer dry underwear, which proves once again that scent is most important.
Soaking wet underwear, perhaps from a squirting experience, can be overwhelming, turning what should be a delicate indulgence into something too washed out.
Selling Tip: Let your natural juices flow, but remember sometimes less is more.

Duration of Wear
Sometimes It Needs To Marinate Overnight
Buyers agree that duration of wear creates a richer scent. The optimal wear time being 18-36 hours. This duration usually provides a pleasant, desirable fragrance. While some prefer longer wear for a stronger scent, many agree that wearing underwear too long can result in a sour smell.
Selling Tip: Sleep in your underwear, at least one night.

Your Actions Produce Buyer Reactions
The activities the wearer engages in play a significant role in feeding buyer fantasies. Any activity that arouses the wearer is highly valued. Buyers consistently commented that foreplay was great while sex was not because it introduced another person into their fantasy.
Buyers who prefer exercise ranked yoga and bike riding as top activities.
Selling Tip: Getting turned on is never a turn off. It doesn't hurt to touch yourself